To create a great logo design, a graphic designer should ask themselves these 6 questions to evaluate if their logo is strong and recognizable to the audience.  Following this simple checklist will insure a strong successful logo for any type of business.

This 6-step Logo test uses 6 simple questions you should ask yourself when evaluating your logo design.

1.    Is it distinctive?
2.    Is it adaptable?
3.    Is it memorable?
4.    Is it universal?
5.    Is it timeless?

And above all else,
6.    Is it simple?


What is Distinctive?

A strong logo is unique and unlike anything else. Your logo should stand out and cannot be mistaken by any other similar logo.

Is my Logo Adaptable?

Your logo will be printed on numerous medias such as online, brochures, and even clothing and should be recognizable on all medias.

Is it Memorable?Logo Design

Strong logos are unforgettable. A person should think of what your business does and instantly think of you logo.

How universal is my Logo?

 A logo can convey the same meaning to various audiences and become universal through uses of color of shape.

Is it Timeless?

Do not use trends or fads when it comes to logo design. A strong logo says more with less design.

And Finally, Is it Simple?

This does not mean your logo should be effortless or boring. A strong logo balances creativity with simplicity; less is more and incorporates ingenuity with minimalism.