With so many competing companies all vying for the same customer’s business, how does one company begin to differentiate themselves from the rest of the pack?  Why should a customer buy your product instead of the dozens that are practically identical? The answer is branding and logo design; what your name means to the customer when they hear it. For instance, Coke is more than just a soft drink, it’s a tradition. McDonald’s is more than just a fast food chain; it’s a part of your childhood. The way you brand yourself can be the difference between success and failure, between coming and going. That’s why it is no surprise to find that ABC Family will be renaming and rebranding itself as Freeform in January 2016.


The relaunch is part of a continued effort to market to the station’s target audience of “Becomers,” a network-coined term defined as those in the life stage spanning ages 14 to 34. This transition reflects the network’s efforts to keep up with its millennial viewers as they grow up. The company wants to move away from what they consider a “too family oriented” approach with the new logo design. The idea is that by rebranding themselves Freeform they can appeal to a whole new generation of viewers. This change is really an attempt to keep up with the times.


For more information on logo designs, please contact Website Growth at 866.543.5885