Our Marketing Company Beverly Hills Specialists suggest following these great marketing campaign secrets from the Game of Thrones:


Don’t get too caught up on success

Yes, of course we all want success, but  do not become lackadaisical once it is achieved. Game of Thrones achieved success, but still continued to push forward. Games of Thrones had more social media engagement than many top-rated shows such as Mad Men or Breaking Bad.

Your visuals need to be as sharp as a Valyrian steel blade

The Games of Thrones’ visual marketing was amazing. Visuals such as high resolution pictures and quote photos worked splendidly on social media; the dragons and characters emotions were commonly tagged with quotes.

The Game of Thrones won in the “Game of Content”

Game of Thrones utilized outdoor ads, commercials and page ads in order to make their way to the top. The Game of Thrones ad in the New York Times did especially well and it is a strategy that is noteworthy. Their commercials were thrilling and nearly forced viewers to watch the show.

Enlighten the audience and make them entertained

Constantly posting on social media and using a variety of marketing strategies keeps the audience engage and on the edge of their sit. Game of Thrones constantly used social media in addition to new episodes to maintain and grow their audience following. This strategy worked tremendously well for Game of Thrones and is well worth following.

Give the audience knowledge of what going on

For example, the Game of Thrones cast posted pictures on Instagram that they took with their mini characters. The response that the picture received was unimaginable. When you allow the audience to see more than the face of the campaign it makes them feel a bit more special by giving them a view or knowledge of something else.